Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fact of the Week

I'm starting a new fun fact of the week that most of you probably don't know. (Or do you?)

What song does this Water Land (Super Mario Bros. 3 map theme) remind you of? Any guesses?

I'll give you a few hints. It's in another nintendo favorite series. It's a hidden location in caves, or you fall into it.

Do you hear it? Let me slow it down for you. 

Pretty awesome right? I've been playing Zelda since ALTTP (A Link to the Past) and I never picked up on it. Did you?

Sort of related in terms of being about video game music. Have you ever played that horrible NES game, Beetlejuice. It's considered to be one of the worst NES games for a number of reasons. I've tried it out myself and I have to say, it's pretty horrible. I didn't recognize the music though. A friend of a friend highlighted something amazing about it. Take a listen:

What does this remind you of. Just take a wild guess. 

DAVID WISE of  Donkey Kong 1 and 2 COMPOSED THE MUSIC FOR THIS HORRIBLE GAME. I can't believe it. Simply amazing with the hardware. 

This is why I love video games folks- the endless possibilities the genre allows. Like works of fiction, devices and themes are used over and over. Nintendo never fails to amaze me :). I love finding out little things like this.

That's the fact of the week. I hope you learned something new :). 

1 comment:

  1. I knew about the water level/Zelda connection! You also know the flute theme from 3 is the main OoT theme as well, right? :D I love making these connections!
