Sunday, February 13, 2011

No online play Nintendo?

I know this probably isn't very relevant but I felt like I needed to discuss this issue. No matter how amazing Nintendo games are (and they usually are), I can't help but feel a little underwhelmed. Online play is a staple of most of the gaming consoles of this generation. The PS3 offers FREE online play for countless games. The XBOX 360 has free online play for certain games and a pricey gold membership for others.

Regardless of the console, Nintendo is really falling behind. Creating a console without HD is one thing but the lack of online play is killing me. Graphics don't mean everything to me, in fact I think the reason so many SNES games and PS1 games are amazing is simply because of the graphical limitation. Game designers had to think outside of the box to make engaging stories and memorable characters. I can't say that is the case with our more powerful systems. Instead of focusing on graphical innovation, Nintendo introduced a motion controller, and I have to give them some credit even if the  Wii let me down for the first two years after its launch. The game library was really lacking. I remember buying Wii game after Wii game hoping for a true "Nintendo" quality game. Recently, Nintendo has  changed their focus from casual gamers to hardcore gamers, or rather they have developed a nice medium for both parties. 2009 and 2010 were great years for Nintendo! Games like Kirby's Epic Yarn, Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, among other games speak for themselves. They have a wonderful throwback feeling while adding subtle innovations. I think the main reason I love these games, is because they include cooperative multiplayer gameplay! Something Sony and Microsoft game libraries severely lack. I do not consider FPS, running around and killing each other (even if it is on teams) as cooperative gameplay. Rather FPS, like fighting games, foster competition and gaming trolls.

This being said, I really love playing Kirby's Epic Yarn and Donkey Kong Country Returns with friends but we have to be in the same room physically to have these great co-op experiences. What if I moved somewhere else but still wanted to play games with my friends? What if my friends didn't live close by?

The most upsetting consequence of lacking online play- I play these games pretty rarely. Yet I play Little Big Planet 2 a lot more primarily because I can play with my friends online. With voice chat it feels like we are playing the game with each other in the same room even though it is online. This is how games should be, especially the creative two player Nintendo games because I think two player (or more) adds so much to the overall gaming experience. Unfortunately, these games simply are not as fun when you play by yourself.

There is nothing I can do now but continue to play Nintendo games with my friends in person. I just hope Nintendo knows (and they must) holding back in almost every avenue will create dissatisfied loyal fans.

Last point. I really hope the 3DS isn't another gimmick like the Wii. Don't get me wrong. I love my Wii now but at first the game library was horrible and it just felt like a huge joke. I have more faith in Nintendo now, but they still need to prove themselves! I know they can and will :).

Fact of the Week

I'm starting a new fun fact of the week that most of you probably don't know. (Or do you?)

What song does this Water Land (Super Mario Bros. 3 map theme) remind you of? Any guesses?

I'll give you a few hints. It's in another nintendo favorite series. It's a hidden location in caves, or you fall into it.

Do you hear it? Let me slow it down for you. 

Pretty awesome right? I've been playing Zelda since ALTTP (A Link to the Past) and I never picked up on it. Did you?

Sort of related in terms of being about video game music. Have you ever played that horrible NES game, Beetlejuice. It's considered to be one of the worst NES games for a number of reasons. I've tried it out myself and I have to say, it's pretty horrible. I didn't recognize the music though. A friend of a friend highlighted something amazing about it. Take a listen:

What does this remind you of. Just take a wild guess. 

DAVID WISE of  Donkey Kong 1 and 2 COMPOSED THE MUSIC FOR THIS HORRIBLE GAME. I can't believe it. Simply amazing with the hardware. 

This is why I love video games folks- the endless possibilities the genre allows. Like works of fiction, devices and themes are used over and over. Nintendo never fails to amaze me :). I love finding out little things like this.

That's the fact of the week. I hope you learned something new :).